Press / News

IncomePath News

Releases and updates

IncomePath Named Finalist in 2024 "Wealthies" Awards

The innovative approach from Finke and Toland gains attention in the retirement income category.

August 8, 2024
Financial Service Industry Veterans Launch New Retirement Solutions Platform

Retirement industry thought leaders Dr. Michael Finke and Tamiko Toland launch IncomePath, a novel solution provider that simplifies retirement income planning.

February 27, 2024


We welcome interest from members of the media. If you are a journalist, podcaster, or blogger and would like to request an interview, please get in touch using the contact form below or send an email to

We will respond to media inquiries in a timely manner. Please include your contact information, and a general idea of the story or concept you are working on.

Outside of IncomePath (our favorite!), some of the topics we cover are:

The role of annuities in a retirement income portfolio
How annuities can provide guaranteed lifetime income in retirement
Using annuities to mitigate market risk and volatility
For press inquiries, please email for the fastest response.

In the Media

Press coverage, podcasts, and recorded events

How to Give Retirees the Freedom to Spend

Gaining Perspective Podcast with Michael Finke and Tamiko Toland

April 29, 2024
A Conversation with IncomePath Co-Founder Tamiko Toland

For the Ask the Retirement Expert series, a conversation about how annuities have changed over time, behavioral considerations to buying them, and how IncomePath helps move the needle.

April 28, 2024
How to Retire Happy and Spend Smart with Retirement Expert Michael Finke

The Strength Wave Podcast features a conversation with IncomePath Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Michael Finke.

April 18, 2024